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[[newspaper clipping]]

Page 10  ^[[Aug 2 1952]]

Gadabouling in the U.S.A.

By Lulu Jon

In a quite swank affair, Washingtonians, and out-of-towners converged on the Liberian Embassy in D.C., Saturday, where they were wined and dined as guests of Clarence L. Simpson, newly arrived Liberian ambassador. Occasion was the 105th Independence Day of the Republic of Liberia. 

A 20-foot table was spread with seven kinds of meat, four types of bread and an assortment of delicacies. Haig and Haig pinch bottle scotch was served and omported champagne from Reim , France flowed like water. 

The reception was held on the embassy lawn under a huge striped canopy. Strings of multi-colored lights added to the setting. Many a well-wished, there when the affair began at 6 p.m., was surprised upon walking out from under the canopy to learn that night had settled in, while they drank, feasted and chatted. 

Down from Philly came Recorder of Deeds Marshall Shepard. Both of the Davises, General B. O. and son Col. B. L., were there with their wives. Miss Marjorie Green was among the New Yorkers. 

Dr. and Mrs. James Pair (she's the former Tillie Young) and their daughter, Andrea, 10, in a pretty pinafore, came over from 

[[Rose Royal -image]] [[Althea Amos- image]]

Baltimore. Also from the Monumental City came Willard Allen, grand master of the Masons. The AKA's Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee, National Council head was there.

In the Washington group were Col. West A. Hamilton (he's school board member) and his well-known mother, Mrs. Julia West Hamilton; Dean and Mrs. William H. Downing of Howard University's School of Engineering; Mrs. Marian Seymore of Freedmen's Hospital.

Assistant District Attorney and Mrs. Hubert Pair, Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard Robinson (he's the architect), the James Evanses (he's civilian aide to the Secretary of Defense) were also there. 

Father George Birche of St. George Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. George Washington of Howard University, Professor and Mrs. Leo Hansberry, Emmett Scott, Judge and Mrs. Armond W. Scott,

[[Gladys Cooper-image]] [[C. Duncan-image]]

the Raymond Weird, recently returned from Liberia; the Rev. George Bullock and his daughter, Miss Portia Bullock; Mrs. Florence Waters of the Recorder of Deeds office,

Dr. Flemmie Kittrell of Howard University, just back from Germany; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller, Mrs. Bertha Lomax, Mrs. Ruth Poindexger, and Lt. Edith DeVoe of the Navy Nurse Corps who flew in from Hawaii where she served two years in the Tripler General Hospital.

J. Griffith Davis, Freelance photographer and writer, whose works on Liberian life were exhibited at the embassy, was there with his charming bride of four months. Also in his party was his gracious mother, Mrs. Madeline Davis of Howard University.

Griff tells us that his Liberian works will be on exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, NYC, Aug. 22-Sept. 28.

Also about was C.D. Dennis, publisher of The Listener in Mon-
[[Nettie McIntosh- image]] [[Ruth A. Lucas-image]]

rovia, Liberia. He's here on study of American publishing techniques.

Acting in an official capacity at the reception was Maj. Isaac Steady of the Liberian Frontier Froce. In the States since May, he is attending the School of Chaplains, Fort Slocum, N. Y. 

An Alpha man, Major Steady was graduated from Yale in 1920. He did his undergraduate work at Wilberforce. He inquired about his old friend, Dr. Carl Murphy, president of the AFRO, whom he met while attending Yale. Dr. Murphy, also an Alpha, was at Harvard at the time.

They renewed acquaintances, Major Steady aid, when Dr. Murphy came to Liberia in January for the inaugural servicesof President Tubman. 

the Raymond