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the Lux, Palace, Capitol, Roxi and Fox

MUSIC...Guatemala originated marimba music.
NIGHT CLUBS AND CABARETS...There isn't much night life. But there are a few night spots. Casablanca and Ciro's are good for dancing. There is a floor show now and then. El Gallito and Jardin Guatemala have local color. 

PAN AMERICAN'S OFFICE...6a Ave. Sur No. 26 B & C (Tel. 2250 and 2251)

RELIGION...The country is Catholic but other sects are represented: Episcopalian, Lutheran, Church of England, Protestant and Baptist.

RESTAURANTS AND BARS...German food can be had at the Mayan, spaghetti at Toni's, and local food at La Selecta and El Rinconcito. Continental food is served at El Patio, Casablanca, Ciro's, El Gallito, La Casita; apart from that, all hotels serve food and snacks can be had at Benjaminson's. For seafood, Las Palmas and Altuna should be visited. 

SHOPS AND STORES...the better class shops are to be found on the Sexta Avenida Sur. But the best bargains will be found in the market places. The Mercado Central behind the Cathedral is the largest and most bustling market. At the 18th Street Market you'll find pottery baskets and gourds. There are good souvenir stores all around town.

SIGHTSEEING...In the capital take a look at the Church of Santo Domingo which is whiter than white because milk and the white of eggs were mixed in the mortar to give it greater strength. The Presidential Palace of light green stone is interesting. A must for tourists is the relief map of the country found in Minerva Park, which gives you an excellent idea of the country. Many old churches escaped the 1917 earthquake. Among them, the Cathedral which is interesting. The National Museum is of interest, too. The markets, particularly the big one at The Mercado Central behind the Cathedral; Mercadito, or little market, are "must sees." Maya Trails, Guatemala Tours, Jordan Tours, Wagon Lits/Cook and Clark's Tours arrange package tours to outlying spots of interest.

SIDE TRIPS...Chchicastenango is the spot in Guatemala.  There you will find the Mayan Inn, famous all through Central and South America.  The food is wonderful, the setting unique.  Spanish colonial and Indian art everywhere you look.  Barefoot Indian boys are house servants.  Strolling marimba players entertain you.  Rates are about $6 to $8 per day American plan.  A visit to the Indian market held Thursdays and Sundays is one of the main reasons for going.  Ceremonies take place on the church steps.  Babies are baptized, incense is burned.  There are rites held at the pagan altars on Pascual-Abaj.  Chchicastenango provides all the color, all the atmosphere you've ever dreamed of and more.  Antigua is the former capital of the country some of the old buildings survived.  The market has good hand wrought

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In Chichicastenango, life centers around the colorful market place.  In the background Indians burn incense on the steps of the Church of Santo Tomas. [[in italics]]


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silver.  Stay at Rancho Nimajay, Posada Belem, or Hotels Antigua, Alcazar or Aurora.  Palin south of the capital has a market under a Ceiba tree.  A colorful sight worth your while. 
Lake Atitlan is five thousand feet above sea level and is overlooked by three volcanoes.  Indian villages ring the 75 mile shoreline.  Other points of interesting are:  Quezaltenango, a mountain town with a Coll moderate climate.  It has an interesting market and narrow avenues.  It is the country's second city.  Puerto Barrios, chief port of the Caribbean, is a 200-mile train ride through the jungles from the capital past Quirigua ruins.

SPECTATOR SPORTS...Football, basketball and baseball!

SPORTS...There is wonderful deep-sea fishing on both coasts.  Puerto Barrios not he Atlantic or San Jose and Iztapa on the Pacific.  Tarpon, barracuda, sailfish, bonito, giant ray are plentiful.  Boats and guides may be hired reasonably.  Freshwater fishermen will enjoy the sport at Lake Izable; Peten-Itza and Rio Dulce not too easy for the average tourist.  Lake Amatitlan is not far from the capital for swimming and sailing.  Hunting is excellent particularly in the northern jungles of El Peten.  Even safari style hunts may be arranged under the direction of Guatemalan sportsmen.  Guns and equipment can be furnished as well as fox-hounds and bloodhounds.  There are deer, pumas, pheasants, wild turkey, doves and peccaries.  There is also duck hunting near San Jose October to December. Alligators are to be found around Rio Dulce.  Hunting licenses are not necessary.  Swimming and golf are easily attainable at the Guatemala Country Club, the Mayan Golf Club.  

TIME...Same as United States Central Time.

TIPPING...Tip for the same services you would at home, but slightly less.

TOURIST TAXES...A tourist card which costs $2.00 may be obtained from the Guatemalan Consulate upon presentation of birth certificate or other proof of citizenship, a later form your bank or employer. 

TRANSPORTATION...Taxis...Cars may be hired for tours around the country.  Bus trips also available.  

WATER...Bottled water is your best bet, or soft drinks. 

WHAT TO BUY...Native hadn't crafts are the thing to buy here.  Hand-woven textiles, silver, pottery, native dolls, leather goods, decorative gourds, shawls, skirt, blankets, are the best buys.  

WHAT TO WEAR...Guatemal is informal so take sports clothes.  The cottons, and light weight dresses you wear in the summer are right for Guatemala, dark dress for evening.  You'll need a topcoat and good walking shoes.  Men will need slacks, sports jackets.  Dark suit is desirable for evening.  A topcoat is necessary and so is a light weight felt hat.  Shoes are an important item.  Take enough to be comfortable.  

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Atitlan in southwestern Guatemala is a beautiful lake formed by a crater 1,000 feet deep and surround by volcanoes and twelve Indian towns which bear the names of the twelve Apostles.