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[[Preprinted index tab "C" on which the author has written the page range of the pages under this tab: 14 thru 26]]

Time | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Lot. gas consumed  [blank line]
"[[ditto for Lot]] dist. thru air [blank line]
Gas per mile  [blank line]
Gas left [blank line]
Mileage left [blank line]

   | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17

Time [blank line]
Assumed La     [blank line]
"[[ditto for Assumed]] Lo     [blank line]
Pos. Pt. La    [blank line]
"[[ditto for Pos.Pt]] Lo    [blank line]
Line  [blank line]

Intersection v of   La    [blank line]
# 9 # lines   Lo   [blank line]

Intersection of  La   [blank line]
# 9 # lines  Lo   [blank line]