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Lisbon - Ferrol

5.29 off - circled city

5.36 Left Lisbon
     Partly Cloudy, visdibility excellent
     [[?]] smooth ground swell, wind, wind 8 knots WSW

6[[written over 7]].30 Slight rain for two minutes, dodged worst of it

6.45 to 6.56 Dodging rain squalls

7.05 Leak in port engine -

7.07 Headed toward land.

7.21 Landed Mondego river at Figueira to fix water leak port engine. Grounded once - waited for high tide. Decided try for Ferrol [[?]]

1.38 Off- wind abt 12  290° mag. clear. Air bumpy.

[[strikethrough]]3.25[[/strikethrough]] c.c.2.39 c.c. 10° port to dodge heavy rain squall

2.44 Resumed course.

2.50 c.c. 10° port - rain squall

2.56 Resume course

3.00 c.c. 10° R to [[regain? line?]]

4.17 Land Ferrol'