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At 09:50 the following was received: "We have forwarded and broadcasted your message will land up in the river within an hour (signed) Symington".

I then went on deck for a breath of air, telling "B" I would see him at 10:30.

At 10:30 I talked to him on the radio telephone, and at 10:45 Lieutenant-Commander Geer phoned that Commander Symington was on his way by boat.

Captain Read then went ashore.  At 13:05 "B" sent us the following by radiophone: "Best port is Vigo Bay period will you need gasoline please inform Shawmut of probable movements (signed) Shawmut".

At 13:14 the following was sent from "B" to "C" having been semaphoreed to the Rathburne by Captain Read: To Confran, Brest and Simsadus, London, from NC-4 quote request destroyer of coast division nearest Ferrol Harbor proceed there immediately anchor in position when seaplane can secure astern and act as tender for NC-4.  Expect leave Figueira one thrity GMT and stay Ferrol tonight, leaving for Plymouth tomorrow morning at eight weather permitting.  Read unquote fifty four 13130".

We left the water at Ferrol at 13:18.  At 13:50 the following was sent to the Shawmut "Left Figueira at 1:38 G.M.T. for Ferrol required no gas".

I called destroyer "C" at 14:20 and "A" also called her but she was working with #1 and ignored our signals, until we were right over her.  She broadcasted that we had passed Aporto at 14:40.

At 14:51 station "E" sent us the following: "Tarbell will arrive Ferrol Bay 4:30PM";and at 14:53 station "D" "Quote best place north Mondego River is Ferrol and second Vigo unquote".  This has been relayed from YIF and was somewhat delayed.

I asked "D" at 14:56 if she was in position, to which she replied that she was.  We passed her at 15:10.

At 16:08 we told the Tarbell we would arrive Ferrol at 5 oclock.  The interphone worked the nearest to perfectly at this time, it being necessary to repeat words but once.

Greetings were exchanged with the stations at Oporto, and Cape Finisterre at this time.  At 16:15 station #1 sent the following: "Harding will act as mooring ship at Ferrol will anchor in inner harbor on arrival unless you wish me to meet you outside".