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Service of Rear Admiral Albert Cushing Read, Retired

1887 Mar 29  Born in Lyme, New Hampshire
1903 Jul 8   Appointed Midshipman from Massachusetts
1909 Mar 4   Accepted appointment as Ensign to rank from 13
             Sept 1908
1911 Sep 13  Lieutenant (jg) 
1913 Jul 1   Lieutenant
1917 Aug 31  Lieutenant Commander (temporary)
1918 Jul 1   Lieutenant Commander
1919 Sep 23  Commander (temporary) 
1921 Dec 31  Commander
1933 Jul 1   Captain
1942 Oct 12  Rear Admiral for temporary service
1943 Aug 6   Entered upper half of list of Rear Admirals
1946 Sep 1   Transferred to Retired list by reason of 
 physical disability, the result of an incident of the ser-
 vice, in rank of Rear Admiral

[[underline]]Ships and Stations| From   | To[[/underline]]

USS Indiana                  | Sep 1906 | Jul 1907
USS Ohio                     | Jul 1907 | Nov 1908
USS Decatur                  | Nov 1908 | Feb 1909
USS Barry                    | Feb 1909 | Apr 1910
USS Bainbridge               | Apr 1910 | Sep 1911
USS Delaware                 | Dec 1911 | May 1913
US Naval Torepedo Station 
   Newport, Rhode Island     | May 1913 | Jul 1915
Naval Air Station, Pensacola
   (instruction)             | Jul 1915 | May 1916
USS North Carolina
   (Gunnery Officer)         | Jun 1916 | Oct 1916
USS Washington (name changed
   to Seatle), (Gunnery
   Officer, Nov16--May 17)   | Oct 1916 | Jun 1917
Aviation Station, Federal
   Rendezvous, Bayshore, New
   York (Officer in Charge)  | Jun 1917 | Oct 1917
Naval Air Station, Miami,
   Fla.(Officer in Charge)   | Oct 1917 | Mar 1918
Office of Chief of Naval
   Operations                | Mar 1918 | Apr 1919
NC Seaplane Division One
   (Connection Trans-Atlan-
    tic flight)              | Apr 1919 | Jun 1919
Seaplane NC-4 and NC-4 Flo-
    tilla (Command)          | Aug 1919 | Jan 1920
Naval Air Station, Pensacola | May 1920 | Nov 1920
Air Force, Atlantic Fleet
   (duty involving flying)   | Dec 1920 | Jun 1922
Naval War College, Newport,
    R. I. (Instruction)
    (Staff-May 23 to June 24)| Jun 1922 | Jun 1924