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Aircraft Squadrons,Asiatic
   Fleet (Commander)       | Jul 1924 | Jun 1925
VT Squadron 20, Asiatic
   Fleet (Commanding)      | Jun 1925 | Dec 1925
Aircraft Squadrons, Battle
   Fleet                   | Jan 1926 | Oct 1926
Naval Air Station, Hampton
   Roads, Va. (Commanding) | Oct 1926 | May 1929
USS Saratoga (Executive Officer) | May 1929 | Jul 1931
Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy
   Department              | Aug 1931 | May 1934
USS Wright (Commanding)    | Jun 1934 | May 1936
Ass't Chief of Bureau of Aero-
   nautics, Navy Department | May 1936 | May 1938
USS Saratoga (Commanding)  | Jun 1938 | Mar 1940
Naval Air Station, Pensacola
   (Commandant)            | Apr 1940 | Oct 1942
Naval Air Technical Training
   Command, Chicago (Chief)| Oct 1942 | Jan 1944
Fleet Air, Norfolk, Va.
   (Commander)             | Jan 1944 | Sep 1945
Air Force, Atlantic Fleet
   (Chief of Staff and Aide)| Sep 1945 | Jan 1946
Office, Chief of Naval Opera-
   tions (temporary)       | Jan 1946 | Mar 1946

Transferred to Retired List of Officers of the Navy effect -
  ive from Sep 1, 1946, by reason of physical disability.
Has performed certain active duty since retirement. 
Designated Naval Aviator (heavier than air). Completed Nav-
  al War College senior course. 
Distinguished Service Medal (World War I). Legion of Merit.
  NC-4 Medal.
Cuban Pacification Medal. World War I Victory Medal. Ameri-
  can Defense Service Medal with "Fleet" Clasp. American
  Campaign Medal. World War II Victory Medal.
Order of the British Empire (Honorary Commander) by the gov-
ernment of Great Britain. Order of Tower and Sword, Class
Two,(Commander) by the Government of Portugal. Air Force
Cross by the Government of Great Britain.