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Statement of Town property remaining in the hands of the Bureau R. F. & A. L in the town of Wilmington N.C at the 31st day of March 1866.

[[3 column table]]
Description of Property | Owners Names | Remarks

Blacksmith Shop on Water St | Powell Lowe & Co |

House on 2nd bet Walnut & Red Cross | Geo Davis | occupied by Officers of Bureau

House on 9th " [[ditto for bet]] Princess & Chesnut | Wm Grambert [[?]] | 

House Cor Mulberry & 3rd Sts | Dr H [?H]Robinson | Occupied by Refugees

House on Trout bet Market & Princess | L Thorbeorn [[?]] | 

House on Cor Hanover & 3rd Sts | Baltey Estate | 
[[/3 column table]]

I certify that the above statement is Correct
[[signature]] J. C Mann [[/signature]]
Bt Maj A. Q. M. & A. F. A.