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here?" It struck me he looked [[strikeout]] very [[/strikeout]] ^[[particularly]] pale. "I was watching." "Watching?" "Yes, watching ^[[over]] you". He had a tragic expression "Are you armed?" I [[strikeout]] said [[/strikeout]] ^[[asked]] in a ^[[ [[strikeout]] tragic [[/strikeout]] ^[[stage]] whisper. He glanced over his shoulder ^[[nervously]], "Yes." [[strikeout]] It was hard for me to make him see us ^[["we are]] were not living in a melodrama." To be Spanish is to be live in a world of [[/strikeout]] ^I was ruthless then]] "To go somewhere and get a good square meal and forget about it. This is no melodrama", [[strikeout]] I ruthlessly announced. His Spanish eyes looked reproach. [[/strikeout]] I don't know what his slow smile meant. [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] As I left him in the fog [[strikethrough]] I wished [[/strikethrough]] some one bumpted into me, the streets were so dark.... back to page before this