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7 Dr Martin's arrival led to our discussing plans and we determined to move our large party the following morning, ten o'clock via Folkestone Dieppe. Bob left ^[[me]] to dine with Sir Edward Gray, and Almeric Paget appeared to take me [[strikethrough]] around [[/strikethrough]] to see Pauline. Pauline was excited and sympathetic about the hospital [[strikethrough]] idea [[/strikethrough]] and Almeric wanted to help by occupying the most important position ^[[in the organization]] and spending ^[[well perhaps]] two or three days a week in France! [[new paragraph sign]] It seems ^[[that]] some people are ^[[so]] scared [[strikethrough]] to death [[/strikethrough]] of air ships ^[[that they have]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] spread nets over their houses. However if a bomb hits your net and bounces onto your neighbors house, you are responsible!! They told me the number of [[strikethrough]]deaths[[/strikethrough]] ^[[dead]] and wounded, among the English have been appalling. Families have been wiped out and the French are considered to have put too much of a burden on
Transcription Notes:
Almeric Hugh Paget, 1st Baron Queenborough; wife: Pauline Payne Whitney. Started a "massage corps" or physiotherapy unit.