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oblivious to decency on the floor.  Each had a bowl and as the sea grew rougher the bowls [[strikeout]] on the floor [[/strikeout]] upset and their contents added to the water which came rushing in through the leaking window, soaked the four women who lay moaning in the floor.  Nobody cared.  A hat [[strikeout]] fell on the floor and [[/strikeout]] was ruthlessly sacrificed in the dissaster.  I never had a sensation except to be amused, for one had to be that, or one would have died of aging and disgust.  Mr Bacon escorted (I can use no other word) each sufferer who succumbed into one or more of the cabins, handed her a bowl and sympathetically [[strikeout]] disappeared [[/strikeout]] ^[[retired]]
As must have presented a [[strikethrough]] sorry look ^[[disreputable [[strikethrough]] sad [[/strikethrough]] appearance -]] when we arrived at Dieppe, and the drunken Consul who was supposed