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13 to look after [[strikeout]] us [[/strikeout]] ^[[our party]] was undoubtedly entirely justified in his familiar treatment of us all. Whether the Mother Sills went to my head or what happened I do not know but that night I certainly had a strange hallucination. When I went to take my bath I distinctly saw the outline of a man's body against the glass window over the washstand in my bath room. I thought he was [[strikeout]] trying to spy on me, after a little consideration ^[[with great modesty,]] I gave up my bath (much to my sorrow) [[/strikeout]] ^[[interested in seeing me take my bath, and nothing more]] ^[[I decided not to gratify his curiosity]] When I got back in my room I [[strikeout]]could [[/strikeout]] distinctly [[strikeout]] hear [[/strikeout]] ^[[heard]] in the adjoining room a strange noise. ^[[It was]] like some machine clicking. [[strikeout]]and[[/strikeout]] By standing close to the door which joined the apartments I noticed a vile smell coming through the key hole, and ^[[a]] more distinct click click click click. It seemed to me [[strikeout]] peculiar and [[/strikeout]] ^[[a little strange although I was prepared for anything by this time and somehow]] made me [[strikeout]]did excessively[[/strikeout]] uncomfortable.