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15 for I could not imagine what it was all about. It was ^[[now]] after midnight [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[strange smell + noises of machine persisted ]] someone[[strikethrough]] had been distinctly [[/strikethrough]] spying on me! I went to the window to open it as I always do before going to bed - [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] it refused to [[strikethrough]] be opened ^[[budge]] [[/strikethrough]]. Pull as I would the blame [[strikethrough]] thing would not move [[/strikethrough]] ^[[they opened refused to budge]] Then I [[strikethrough]] did got a hunch [[/strikethrough]] ^[[had a feeling and instinct]] I was [[strikethrough]] just [[/strikethrough]] ^[[perfectly]] calmly, but [[strikethrough]] absolutely [[/strikethrough]] ^[[unalterable]] sure that the creature in the next room wanted to suffocate me. The moment I thought of the idea, it explained everything [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I was ^[[now]] not the least frightened. I did not know why he wanted to ^[[kill me]] nor did I care, but I determined that it would be idiotic of me to allow him to do it. So ^[[I set to work]] with great precaution to pull[[strikethrough]]ed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the]] sheets and blankets ^[[first]] onto the [[strikethrough]] sofa of the [[/strikethrough]] sitting room. ^[[Then returning I silently]] put ^[[out the]] lights [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in my room. ^[[strikethrough]] Silently went into the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of the sitting room]] opened the window & locked the door and [[strikethrough]] slept [[/strikethrough]] ^[[fell into a]] profound[[strikethrough]]ly [[/strikethrough]] ^[[sleep]] on the chair by [[strikethrough]] in the parlor [[/strikethrough]].