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17 [[underlined]] 14 [[/underlined]]. closed or appeared so. Almost the only motors we met were ambulances, a few taxis passed [[strikethrough]] going [[/strikethrough]] ^[[driving]] very fast. [[strikethrough]] Mr Herrick [[/strikethrough]] ^Our motor was small and closed and very business like [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] with its printed [[strikethrough]] white letters [[/strikethrough]] on the front glass [[strikethrough]] for us [[/strikethrough]] ^[[we passed]] everywhere without trouble [[circled]] "Ambassade des Stats Unis d'Amérique".[[/circled]] Dr Du Bouchet met me with his charming faint smile, ^[[in the hall of the Hospital]] he held my hand for a moment as he made his little speach, and a very [[strikethrough]] charming [[/strikethrough]] ^[[pleasant]] one it was too, and worthy of his tact and brain. My statue last year that he had seen - self sacrifice (fancy his remembering [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]]) That was [[strikethrough]] a self [[/strikethrough]] sacrifice and now [[strikethrough]] was the same thing [[/strikethrough]] ^[[existed]] here in France, [[circled]] the sacrifice of life - [[/circled]] and I was erecting my [[underlined]] second [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] statue [[/strikethrough]] monument ^[[to sacrifice]] which would be lasting. I cannot put in as he did or give the impression of his charm as he said it, but he is certainly a dangerously clever man!