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X We sat around a table in the board meeting room and Dr Du Bouchet [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] talked. + There were the Rev. Dr Watson, prim, prudent and precise, Mr Monahan having a sense of humor I feel sure and a hatchet face. Dr Benet [[strikethrough]] exact [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]]calculating[[/insertion]], talkative, with a beard Charlie Carroll, rather pink and bored [[strikethrough]] looking [[/strikethrough]]. Mr Treford had just gotten back from the North and consequently was not dressed like a steward & on a [[strikethrough]] boat [[/strikethrough]] ^[[yach]] as the rest were. Dr Martin, Mr Bacon & myself completed the party. O There being the greatest [[strikethrough]] necessity [[/strikethrough]] ^[[foreseeable need]] for hospitals in Belgium where they were too few to help themselves
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