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19 The hospital is immense, and oh so white and complete and efficient looking. I met numbers of people, doctors, men on the Executive Committee, Mrs George Munroe ^[[and others.]][[strikethrough]] who occupies a place similar to that occupied ^[[formally]] by Anne Vanderbilt. [[/strikethrough]] We went to lunch at the Embassy [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mr]] Herrick was [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] ^[[all]] cordial [[strikethrough]] and to me [[/strikethrough]] ^[[and it seemed to me much improved by his experience.]] At three [[strikethrough]] was the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a]] meeting of the board at the Hospital ^[[was to take place]] and I confess I was rather nervous about it. ^[[X]] It was decidedly interesting to be told that the French government had offered us to the Belgian government who accepted us. So far, so good. We were to establish ourselves on Belgian soil. I took a hasty glance at Mr B -, whose expression did not change. My eyes next sought those of Dr Martin. He remained with his eyes fixed on Du Bouchet. ^[[A funny little expression hovered about the corners of his mouth]]