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"In Belgium?" I mildly asked, as if not having quite understood. +
Charlie Carroll began to tell a ^[[long]] story of ^[[Belgian]] atrocities.  I listened politely I hope, but unresponsively.
Du Bouchet told us the name of the place. ^[[Meaux that had been cleared for us]] It seems [[overwritten]] two [[/overwritten]] three  weeks ago he [[strikethrough]] had been [[/strikethrough]] ^[[went]] to the north to see the Belgian War Minister in regard to the matter.

"The [[strikethrough]] Belgians [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Germans]] will be pushed back ^[[in a very short time]] and the Belgians are of course [[strikethrough]] terrifically [[/strikethrough]] ^[[very much]] in need of hospitals, they are etc. etc."

A question from Mr B.- brought out rather an interesting point.  [[strikethrough]] "Oh [[/strikethrough]] ^[[no they have not as yet pushed the Germans back]] They [[strikethrough]] Germans [[/strikethrough]] are still at [[strikethrough]] M- [[/strikethrough]] but -"  I [[strikethrough]] must say [[/strikethrough]] ^[[confess]] the end of the sentence was lost to me.
I was staggered.  ^[[However]] My self control endured the test and I kept saying to myself - [[strikethrough]] am [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of course]] I ^[[must be]] mad, [[strikethrough]] for are they [[/strikethrough]] ^[[for they cannot be at any rate]].  It was dashing [[strikethrough]] any way [[/strikethrough]] - this first news - to be sent to