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23 [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[also to]] do some [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] scouting behind the English lines. Sat. Sunday & Monday I spent at the hospital where I did a little of everything, from talking to heads of departments, seeing dressings, [[strikethrough]] talking to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[chatting with]] nurses and patients, serving tea and generally trying to get to know people and be taken for granted. [[strikethrough]] I found a great many ^[[interesting]] people ^[[auxiliaries and nurses]]. Thought that it would be more entertaining to be in our unit. Everyone wanted to help with and facilitate our problemns - however I detected among the workers a little feeling of being left behind while a lot of new people who had had none of the drudgery which they themselves had been through, rushing, as they thought, to the front. [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Bob [[/strikethrough]] ^[[The men]] got back ^[[from the front]] Monday night. [[strikethrough]] and was [[/strikethrough]]