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just enough room for one car to pass & the earth to fill up the gap alongside.

Furnes has recently been bombared. The house which is going to be used as a new Hospital having a scar on the side where a bomb hit it a week before.  The bomb hit an unfortunate Sister too and she is very ill having lost a leg in consequence!  However the noble Greek woman who is already in charge of one Red Cross Hospital here & is about to open this second one, is calm in face of danger & ^[[X]] she herself showed us through her hospital, which I may say was one of the most pathetic sights I have seen.  I dare say these wounded are no worse than ours at Neuilly, but God they look bad -!  No trimmings so fixings up, their pale faces sad and desperate!  Some of them haunted me for days. ^[[X]]  In the operating room, a poor creature with a wound in his abdomen was being operated on a stretcher!  Not even a rubber sheet!  Think of the chances of infection.  We got back to Dunkirk for lunch & to St Omer late in the afternoon.

My experiences in the little bar!!