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^[[LOS ANGELES]], Calif., ^[[JULY 19]], 19^[[54]]

to apply on purchase price of $^[[32,500.00]] for [[blank line]] Lot [[blank line]], Block [[blank line]], Tract [[blank line]] in the County of ^[[LOS ANGELES]] State of California, also known as ^[[3940 HEPBURN AVE]] Street
Subject to: [[blank line]] taxes for fiscal year 19^[[54]] - 19 ^[[55]]; bonds and assessments with unpaid balance not to exceed $ [[blank line]]; covenants, restrictions, reservations rights, rights-of-way and easement of record, if any; mortgage or trust deed of record with unpaid balance of $ [[blank line]], purchase price trust deed for $ [[blank line]], ^[[$15,000.00 CASH INCLUDING DEPOSIT OF $5,000.00 - SUBJECT TO LOAN of $20,000.00 AT 5 1/27, TO BE PAID AT $137.58 OR MORE PER MONTH - 30 DAY ESCROW - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AT CLOSE OF ESCROW - TERMITE CLEARANCE -]]
Buyer will deposit an additional $ [[blank line]]and his necessary instruments in escrow with the SANTA MONICA COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK within [[blank line]] days. Each party to pay his customary escrow charges. 

The seller is to furnish at his expense in said escrow a Deed, and a Policy of Title Insurance showing title condition as provided for above. In the event same is not furnished within a reasonable time, then buyer shall have the right to cancel this agreement and his deposit is to be returned.

If buyer fails to deposit the money and his instruments and complete the purchase as provided herein, then the amounts shall be forfeited, one-half to the real estate broker, but not to exceed the full amount of his commission, and the balance to the seller.

Interest, taxes, rents and fire insurance are to be pro-rated to date deed is recorded.
The sale of said property is made subject to owner's approval and deposit is to refunded if owner does not approve said sale within ^[[10]] days.
There are no oral agreements not contained herein.
I agree to sell said property on above terms and to pay a commission of $ ^[[5%]] to above named broker.
^[[Tucker Realty Co. to receive ½ commission]]
Form 155 4-48 200 Books Acme

^[[Tucker Realty Co.]]
by ^[[Essie L Tucker 3737373777]]

I agree to purchase said property on above terms. ^[[signature]] Donald W. Parkinson [[/signature]]
[[signature]] Helen H. Parkinson [[/signature]]

Address & Phone ^[[2170 Mandeirlle Canyon Rd. W. Los Angeles 49, Calif AR 79252]]

^[[Sold by Agatha Davis]]