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[[underline]] GENERAL BOARD INFORMATION [[/underline]]

1. [[underline]] Duties of Board Members [[/underline]]

A. Composition

The composition of the Board is determined by Article 4, Section 3 of the By-Laws.

B. Attendance

Elected officers and presidential appointees or their designated alternates, with voting privileges, must attend all board meetings in their entirety unless excused by the President.

Others may attend at the invitation of the President as observers without voting privileges.

C. Reports

1. Written

Every Board member must submit a written report of the month's activities to the Recording Secretary at each Board meeting. These reports must be typed or written legibly on standard Club notebook paper.

2. Oral

Contents of any oral report presented at a Board meeting must require discussion or decision by the Board, or be information of interest not otherwise available to the Board.

D. Financial Responsibility

Requests for expenditures of allotted funds must be approved by the Budget Committee prior to Board action.

E. Termination

The incumbent Board of Directors shall continue to serve until installation of the new Board.