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XI. A. The Spotter's Committee will keep a file of members' names, abilities and desired activities.

B. This Committee will be composed of volunteers from each organization for the purpose of personal contact. Personal calls will be made for each new member and an escort provided for her first meeting.

C. Organizational unit welcomes are also to be encouraged, on the premise that one cannot have too much friendship; and any such efforts should supplement but not compete with the over-all project.

XII. The Orientation Committee will send a letter containing helpful and pertinent information to each dependent who has received her port call.

XIII. A Benefit Drive Committee is provided for the purpose of raising money for special projects.

XIV. At least $50.00 will be given toward the support of orphans who are cared for by authorized agencies.

XV. Flowers will be sent, when possible, to members on the sick list, but only to their homes and not to the hospitals. (Hospitals have requested no flowers because of the added burden to their staffs.)

XVI. Instead of flowers, a donation of $5.00 will be sent to the Memorial Fund of the Air Force Aid Society in the event of the death of a member or someone in her immediate family.

XVII. Any requests for unallocated funds must be put in writing and presented to the Budget Committee by the person making the request. She shall be present in person at a meeting of the Budget Committee.

ACCEPTED May 29, 1956

XVIII. Vacancies occurring among elected Board members will be filled by secret ballot from non-elected Board members.

ACCEPTED June 26, 1956

XIX. Reference to By-Laws, Article I (Membership), Section 1, b, that the word "serving" will be interpreted to include those assigned to quarters on Air Force installations.