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NOV. 3, 1954 (Pacific)  AIR FORCE TIMES 19

80 Officers Win Stars

WASHINGTON. -- The White House this week announced 80 general officer appointments in the Air Force.  The big list includes 20 officers pinning on major general's stars for the first time and 32 colonels promoted to temporary brigadier general.  All are recess appointments.

The other 28 promotions are in the Regular Air Force and do not result in insignia changes because the officers already hold equal or higher temporary rank.

Five officers making temporary major general were advanced to Regular brigadier general at the same time.

It is the biggest Air Force star appointment list in memory.

Air Force active duty general officer strength now totals 409, very close to the legal ceiling of approximately 428.  The Senate Armed Services Committee maintains its own brake on general officer strength and in recent years it has not allowed full strength to be reached.

A late September Pentagon board picked the officers promoted this week.  Spokesmen declined to state whether or not this week's appointments exhaust the selections made by the board.  Selectees from last year's board were promoted in increments throughout the year.

The new appointments follow:

Major General, Temporary

Matthew K. Deichelmann, Merrill D. Burnside, Daniel F. Callahan, William T. Hefley, Jack W. Wood, Harold H. Bassett, Marshall S. Roth, George E. Price, Stuart

(Continued on Page 19)

Nov 3, 1954 (Pacific)  AIR FORCE TIMES 19

80 Generals' Appointments Announced by White House

(Continued from Page 1)

P. Wright, Frederick J. Dau, Samuel R. Harris, Jr., John T. Sprague, Burton M. Hovey, Frank A. Bogart.
Royden E. Beebe, Jr., John B. Ackerman, William H. Powell, Jr., Albert M. Kuhfeld, Kenneth P. Berquist and James C. Selser, Jr.

Brigadier General, Temporary

John C. B. Elliott, Hoyt L. PRindle, R. Loyal Easton, Emmett F. Yost, Hollingsworth F. Gregory, Tom W. Scott, Harold L. Smith, Wendell W. Bowman, Milton F. Summerfelt, Charles H. Pottenger, Clinton W. Davies.\

John M. Breit, Richard T. King, Jr., Daniel E. Hooks, Moody R. Tidwell, Jr., Donald D. Flickinger, Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Charles B. Root, Victor R. Haugen, Sam W. Agee, Edwin B. Broadhurst, Kenneth O. Sanborn, Don R. Ostrander.

Fred M. Dean, Walter E. Arnold, Arthur J. Pierce, Marcus F. Cooper, Cecil H. Childre, Henry R. Sullivan, Jr., William E. Eubank, Jr., Beverly H. Warren and James F. Whisenand.

Major General, Regular

George R. Acheson, Samuel R. Brentnall, William H. Tunner, William E. Hall, Donald L. Putt, Norris B. Harold, Albert Boyd, Manuel J. Asensio, and John S. Mills

Brigadier General, Regular

William T. Hefley, Howard G. Bunker, Frederic E. Glatnzberg, Dudley D. Hale, Jack W. Wood, Harold H. Bassett, Roger J. Browne, Marshall S. Roth, Harlan C. Parks, George E. Price, Floyd B. Wood, Hugh A. Parker, Stuart P. Wright, Richard A. Grussendorf.

Thetus C. Odom, Millard Lewis, Sory Smith, Lee B. Washbourne, and Frederick J. Dau.