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^[[Nov 6]]

[[image - drawing of two star Major Generals' flag]]
Far East Command
29 October 1954

Dear General Davis:

I was most pleased to read the announcement in last night's "Stars and Stripes" of your advancement to the temporary grade of Brigadier General. It is a promotion that is well earned and well deserved not only by your outstanding war record but by your capable performance of duty in the years intervening following the termination of hostilities.

Your promotion to General officer grade is tangible evidence of how well you are following in the footsteps of your illustrious father. Moreover, I am sure that he is extremely proud of the manner in which his son is carrying on the family tradition.

Please accept my congratulations and best wishes for continued success.


[[signed]] Elmer J Rogers Jr. [[/signed]]
Major General, United States Air Force
Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations

Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
Director of Operations and Training
Deputy for Operations
Headquarters, Far East Air Forces
APO 925

Transcription Notes:
The date may be Nov1.