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^[[Nov 3]]
Hq Sq Sec, 67th Tac Recon Wing
APO 76, San Francisco, California
1 November 1954

Brigadier General B. O. Davis, Jr.
Director of Operations, FEAF
APO 925

Dear General Davis:

I have noted with the greatest of pleasure of your recent promotion and I wish to join the many in offering my congratulations. I may not be the first, but I'll vie with the others as to the sincerity and enthusiasm of my congratulatory offering.

Since closing the Finance Office, 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing, at K-13 last August, I was assigned to the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing where I also closed the Finance Office in October. Now I am with the 7^[[2]] Tactical Reconnaissance Wing with the same purpose in view unless the Director of Personnel, 5AF, refuses to permit me to remain beyond my MOT of 20 November. If I am permitted to remain, and I again repeat the aforementioned similar activities, I believe it will be some sort of a unique distinction, will it not?

Your kind letter commending the office for services rendered to the Army Support Troops at K-13 was followed by one from Lt. Col. Keane, Battalion Commander. Both these letters are greatly appreciated, but the opportunity was never afforded me to thank you personally for yours other than the one time when the presentation was recorded for possible newspaper publication stateside. I take this opportunity now and hope that I may be able to do it in person by a visit when I rotate in the near future. But the credit is due the enlisted personnel who, through their perseverance and fine responsive attitude, made the operation a success. To them I offered my thanks - and those of all concerned - for a job well done.

In closing, I again repeat my sincere congratulations.  May I hear from you at an early date?

With apologies for any presumptions on my part, I remain

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Edward M Berg [[/signed]]
Major, USAF

Transcription Notes:
mandc: I question the "insertion" [7^[[2]]], I read the typing as a too quick hit on keys "6 & 7." Note the defective "6" key in the return address (APO 76].