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^[[Nov 19]]
Post Office Box 1395
Baltimore 3, Maryland

In Reply Address Communication to Comdr,
ARDC, Attention Following Office Symbol

             1 November 1954
Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
Directory of Operations and Training
Far East Air Force, APO 323
c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Benny:
   I have just noticed in a recent news release, which made all the local papers here in Baltimore, that you have been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.  Congratulations and best wishes on this promotion.  I know from our personal acquaintance at the Air University that you are certainly well deserving of this honor, and I am sure that I express the opinion of all who know you when I say that I am happy to see you, the first of your race, selected for this honor in the Air Force.  I have always felt that you were a credit to the Air Force and a worthy representative in any circle.
   I hope our paths will cross again and that we can renew our acquaintance sometime.  I have been in this headquarters about one year after my return from Europe.  If you are ever back this way I would be happy to hear from you.  Best wishes to your wife and family.
       Sincerely yours,
     [[signed Fr. Wood]]
       JOHN J. WOOD
     Chaplain (Colonel), USAF