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3632 N. 19th St.
Phila.-40, Penna.

1 November 1954

Dear "General" -

This has the dual purpose of saying congratulations and hello to an old "comrade in [[underlined]] arms [[/underlined]] (?)". Ever since you went to FECOM rumors of your promotion have been widespread. I began to lay bets that you would make it just before election, so, having won it is quite likely that I will have the ten dollars, which I think I owe you from the poker game at your home in Washington, by the time you return. Like 99,44% of those who have served with you in any capacity, I am extremely proud of your promotion & just as confident that you will wear this first star & those to come in the commendable manner in which you have worn the many honors which have come your way.

We heard that Agatha was in California. If she has joined you, felicitate her and extend our regards. If she has not, please do so when you write.

I think when last you saw me I was embarking upon my military career. I went to Fort Campbell, Ky. and spent 24 months of the Korean Campaign