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[[image - round seal with eagle in center with outstretched wings holding arrows in its talons, lines with stars above eagle and laurel underneath, text around -   DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]]


November 1, 1954

^[[Nov 17]]

Brigadier General B. O. Davis, Jr
Headquarters Far East Air Force
Tokyo, Japan (APO 925)

Dear Ben and Aggie:

Hot ziggity, General Davis...and boy are we all happy for you especially this RKO Colonel!! Now let's get the next star!! And, I've still got my bid in for your chief of staff job-- at least you would have plenty of entertainment and chorus girls.

Seriously Ben, I don't know when I heard such good news and you deserve every point on that star. Plenty of luck which is deservedly yours.

Now- thanks for the card I received from Aggie shortly after she arrived. I couldn't answer since I had another trip to Walter Reed- this time they weren't kidding-- and neither was I. They removed a growth from my kidney-- and then the fireworks. Complete collapse of my arteries (whatever that is)-- and internal blood spasms. Ended up with a touch and go situation for about 72 hours and 8 transfusions. Finally snapped out of it (they sent for the Chaplain at one point and the Jewish Chaplain came in!!!!(sorry Aggie, but they still think I'm a Kike!). Well, am okay now and glad it is all behind me.

Here is news-- you will have a big Xmas show arriving in Tokyo about December 19th. Haven't got the names as yet but will be star-loaded with Debbie Reynolds, Eddie Fisher, etc etc. AND, Audrey will be with it. She is going to manage one of the units, probably the one with Debbie. She went to Europe last year with Maxie Rosenbloom's show as manager and again this summer for ten weeks with a unit sponsored by Phillip Morris cigarettes. She is a bit of a world traveler and loves it. I'll give you the info before the plane takes off and you can meet it at HanedaSAirport-- and you better be there for Audrey will have a Christmas Box from your mother and dad. I called Ben's mother this morning and told her to contact all of the family that wanted to send gifts. They will place them in one or two boxes (unless it is a new Chevrolet [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]]-- in which case I'll have to take up the matter with Sec'y Talbott and get a B-36.) deliver to me by December 8th and I leave for Hollywood with same. Audrey will then take it with her on the Special Mission Connie. Mother Davis was very happy and says she is starting to contact the family Klan immediately. Imtold her I was happy to do it. Also, if you folks want something from here please make a list, send me a money order and I'll buy the stuff here or in Hollywood-Los Angeles-- maybe some scarce item.