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Naha, Okinawa
1 November 1954

Dear General Davis:

Last Friday, I wrote you a letter which began: "Just a few lines to let you know your request for the Okinawan stamps has NOT been forgotten. However (and here come the typical excuses), without transportation and little opportunity to get to the village Post Office, I have still not acquired them. If your patience, and assignment with Hq FEAF last, you have my assurance you will receive them before I depart here in Feb/March....." The letter was not mailed, in the hope some kind soul might consider taking a tour of the Village. Sorry - no stamps yet.

Letter #2.

Heartiest Congratulations!! I was extremely pleased to hear of your promotion (thru Col DeLaney, who was equally pleased) and take this opportunity to extend my sincerest best wishes for your continued success and advancement in the Service. I do hope your increased responsibilities and additional duties will not preclude your visiting us occasionally.

It was a shame you were unable to extend your last trip to 20th AF to include an evening at NAB. Your boys still speak of you often, and I know they would have been delighted to "have a party" to celebrate your visit. Incidentally, I am now an Honorary Member of the Fightin' 25th ([[underlined]] My [[/underlined]] best "promotion" during 7 years with the Air Force), and consider OUR Squadron by far the best in the Wing. They have livened up the Club a great deal (as you predicted), have raised the morale of the other two Squadrons somewhat closer to their own high level, and -- taught me the polka! Also, bless their generous hearts, they are getting me a 25th hat and I can really be "one of the boys". I think they are THE GREATEST EVER!

I am assuming you folks up at FEAF are kept might busy these days. Still no word from that former Boss-man (for 45 mos.), L/C Fackler. If you should happen to see him, please give him my best regards....and then tell him I'm "mad" at him! Best regards, also, to Phyllis and little Rickie - who is probably a Big Boy now. A lovely family.

Since I must temporarily relinquish this typewriter to the Adjutant Section, I shall end this letter with the hope that we may have the pleasure of your company at Naha again soon.


[[signature]] Margaret Chenny. [[/signature]]