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Things to do:

-Domingo Gonzales Solorio
Director General de Conservation Ecologica
(Head of Flora, Wildlife, Parks & Reserves)
Rio Elba 20. (5)5535896.
-Mexico City.

-Juan José Consejo
Director Sian Ka'an Reserve
Cancun. (988) 43663

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[[strikethrough]] March [[/strikethrough]] Feb 12
Mm 39 - walked 800 m through Mangrove from Hamock to Hamock at 4:00p,
got 6 waterthrushes - all [[?]]
6 chpng
3 [[?]] + ? Yellowthrot
3 Yellow,
1 (orange on head [[female symbol]]) green [[lower?]] right color band
1 Sap. Much
15 Redy
Wood stork + [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Great Egret

At Mile 32 I walked on road by low forest + saw little; its cloudy & [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] breezy.

At mile 36 I found track that went Right (as you head out) + walked = 300m. I found 23 Hoodeds & 1 [[male symbol]] Redstart & hot conditions were poor.