Viewing page 18 of 42

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-- PAGE 1
Forest Road KM23 sign

4:00 → [[lgh&beck??]] Walked ~ 2-3 km

[[image drawing of a path/map - straight line with locations noted top to bottom]]

♂︎ ♀︎
- Hooded ♂︎
[[?]] [[?]]
[[?]] ~ 10 m

- [[?]] [[?]]

- ♀︎ Redstart

- ♂︎ Redstart
♂︎ [[?]] 30' lbgl 2 to 3" [[lrt]]
B + W
♂︎ [[WEL]]

- MW
♂︎ Redstart

- Hooded

-- PAGE 2

- Redstart

- 3[[?]] [[Yellowthroat]]

- ♂︎ HW  ♂︎ HW

[[?]] found [[Ant?]]

Group of Yucatan Jays (yellow-billed birds over the swarm)
[[Banded woodcreeper]]
Tawny-winged woodcreeper
R.T [[Ant ?]]
Hooded Warbler

→ I noticed that Hooded
Warblers have a dark [[?]]
The [[?]] 10-1L chipping [[?]]
[[?]] back.

Transcription Notes:
Reopened due to second page not being transcribed