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[[wavy underlined]] Barro Colorado Island, Panama [[/wavy underlined]]

6 January  Today I netted [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] on the plateau all day.

7 January  Another plateau census. I heard a strange new call which sounded like the Thrushlike Manakin (when Russ read me the description from Ridgely). It was between AVA 1.8 & Wheeler 13.8 around 9:30 AM. I figured out coordinates for the nets in the afternoon.

8 January  Yet another plateau census in the morning and dead leaf survey in the afternoon at the light gap ~ 10 m toward Balboa from Wheeler 14.

9 January  I went out to Orchid Island with Andrea in the morning. The forest is extremely scruffy there, ^[[max]] canopy ht is ~50-60'. I heard [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] many more flocks than I saw because there are so many ravines on the island and the undergrowth is so dense that it is hard to get around. The flocks that I saw had 1-2 attendant species. I think I would go crazy if I worked out there because the island is so small. It is possible to walk all of the trails in about 1 hr.