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^[[Mary E Dreier]] 
^[[ [1912] ? [1913]?]]

118 East 54th St.

Dearest Dodo:-

Here I am again at the typewriter trying my hand to see if I have forgotten how to use it. It seems to be going pretty well for me and I do prefer this way of writing and I fancy you too for it is clearer than my long hand.

First my dear I must tell you that I nearly fell backwards when I opened your last letter to find that huge check for $1000. for the League. You certainly were an angel to snd it to us at this time for we were in sore straights this entire summer and were despairing of where we would get the means to carry things on until[[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] our ball. Thank you a thousand times dear. I cant tell you how deeply touched I am and how I thank you The Leaguers gasped for breath to feel released from the terror of uncertainty regarding the wherewithal. What a kindness it was!

I was interrupted in this letter by a series of visitors applying for a position of secretary for me. There were some very nice ones and I found one who I think will do for me. I was rather stupid about engaging her before I saw some of the others as I found one I liked better but then I need not keep her and she comes only on trial.

We had our meeting of the league last night and have planned a fine program of work. If we can carry it out we will have done a great piece of wo work this year. I am so anxious to do it for there are some folks in the League who think that we cant get on without them and I would just like to show that we can. Especially am I interested in starting a law enforcement committee whose business will be to familiarize working women with the laws relating to factories which are on the statute books. 

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]
^[[Mrs. Peter Voorhees 1959]]

Transcription Notes:
More weird line breaks cleared up. The whole point to is transcribe what is there accurately but readably. Putting in weird line breaks is not helpful for readability.