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[[image: oval seal with the words ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL CHICAGO]]


Brooksville, Florida.

April 21, 1914.

Dearest Dad:-

Do you think you could dig up for me in mother's prescription book the prescription for those iron drops we always took as children and when we were grown? I am very anxious to have it and as I have written both to Davidson and Bulkley and Heidenreicht and they cannot seem to find it I thought perhaps the chemist at Saranac Lake might copy the prescription for me.

The weather here has been perfectly beautiful, so much much cooler than any other April that I have known here. By the way, I forgot to tell you that we planted about a dozen bananas. Some day I hope you will come down and pick them off our trees and eat them!

On April ninth Raymond and I went off for the day with a buggy and horse and our lunch in a basket in honor or the ninth anniversary of our meeting. It was a beautiful day, although it rained several times, but fortunately not when we camped out under one of the greatest oaks on a neighboring hill surrounded by a remnant of the great old pine forest. The place belongs to a Mr. Hale who had a wonderful orange grove standing there before the freeze and now the only sign or form of any habitation left is an old well. It would be a beautiful place to carry a portable house and have the well dug out and camp there for two months or so in the winter time. The whole place is just like a forest of the fairy tales. I do wish I might show it to you. Perhaps I will some day when perhaps you and Miss Peggy will camp there when you get tired of your headquarters at Chinsegut! How I wish you could see the place now.

With much, much love,


[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]