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however that no one regrets more than myself the necessity which compels me to obtrude myself upon your notice in reference to these matters.

I wrote to General Howard in Nov. last in reference to my accounts stating the informalities which interposed between me and a just settlement of my claims owing to the informal manner in which I was at first appointed to the agency by reason of the Bureau in N.C. being then in its infancy, and the condition of the blacks in this County rendering an immediate appointment, all but indispensible.  This County was then and is now the most refractory in the State, on the question of negro rights, and as no military officer could be obtained I was appointed to act

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as interim.  I did so under circumstances of no ordinary character at the time, and I believe gave satisfaction to all parties.

General Howard is well acquainted with these facts, and in his communication of last Dec. a copy of which I had the honor to transmit to the Bureau at Raleigh, he consents to overlook the informality of my appointment in the equity of my claims for services rendered to the cause of freedom and humanity.  He therefore ordered me to forward my accounts to Raleigh for adjustment.  I complied long since with the General's order and the result is know to you.  I have rendered true and faithful service to the Bureau for nearly 3 months.  And owing to the peculiar circumstances of the