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[[preprinted]][[underline]]GRAND HOTEL DES VOYAGEURS 

TÉLÉPHONE 13 [[/underline]] [[/preprinted]]

Went in swiming this afternoon, the water was fine; wish that you could have been in with me. Tried my first dive today and landed pretty flat with my body on the water, [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] it was the first dive of my life. Afterwards I tried to make a sketch of a bunch of red umbrellas with people under them; it did not turn out a success.

There is to be an exhibitions of sketches at the school house all next week, I think. I sent your sketch of sea and clouds; it looked fairly well after I made a mat for it. hope they will hang it in a good light.

Had a letter from Russell the other day telling how he like that place he was at and asking me to send his sketchs to him in Paris he was leaving the next day for there; Said he was so lonely that he could not stand it any longer; also said he could let me have that 100 francs if we were in need of it: If you see him, or if you care to go to his studio you could get it from him and save the trouble of having him send it.

Am pleased that you found Jo on your arrival. it was very nice of them to find a place for you and that they are helping you in the thing that you are trying to determine. Hope that you succeeded in seeing the doctor on your second visit to him. Let me know right away if you discovered anything. you will know do that without my asking. Do not forget to telegraph the day on which you expect to return. it does not cost more than a franc.

Give my best to Mis Decastra an Joe. Hoping you are well and will be with me soon. With love.
