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wind that darkened the waves amorously as they approached seemed like scouts sent out by the enemy in the north.  Arnheim, on whose judgement and skill we [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] relied, looked toward the shoe in the direction of the bay, now some leagues to the west of us, and then toward the gathering storm, and I thought his glance betrayed some anxiety and apprehenstion.  Seaward the prospect became momently more threatening.  The gusts came at regular intervals, sometimes tearing off the crest of a wave in their passage and increasing in violence untill the sea had got up into a heavy swell.

All our energy was now concentrated upon the sailing.  Mable who seemed [[strikethrough]] seem [[/strikethrough]] somewhat subdued by the changed light and the motion of the boat, nevertheless, in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ignorance of danger, manifested no trouble or distress, until a wave broke over our bow that drenched us with