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looked seaward;  and as Mable watched the great rollers approaching in regular succession, she clung to Burton's neck, and hid her face on his shoulder when they burst upon the beach, seeming to shake the very ground.

How many times in the course of that interminable day we went up to watch on the cliff, and stand with our wet feet, in the strength of the blast that had again risen & threatened to throw us from the rock, I cannot remember;  but the sun gradually sloped to the horizon and we began to feel, though hardly able to believe it, that we were doomed to pass another night upon the island.  We had exhausted our ingenuity in trying to make a noise that would startle the dwellers on shore, who were, we supposed, keeping Merry Christmas indoors, but, finding all of no avail, when the shadows stretched across the water we brought the sail and fastened it as a signal to a bush growing on the summit of the bluff.