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We were alarmed to feel how the cold benumbed us and how greatly exhausted we were becoming.

Burton had tied the dog to prevent him from ^[[trying to]] follow us through the deep snow, & on our return to the hut we were ^[[much]] surprised to find him gone!  When the sun had been long set we stowed ourselves inside and all, I think, soon slept in spite of anxious forbodings.

I was awakened by Arnheim who said to Burton "I am certain that I heard voices!  Listen!  Your father must be here in search of us."  We burst out in breathless hope.  All was still.  The wind had gone down and the moon was bright but we could see no objects against the snow but the black cedars — could hear no sound but the booming of the surf. —

Then a cedar's top was seen to shake and a boy's voice called out, "Here Sam! here's a track!"  We dashed through