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the trees with a shout and came upon the longshoreman of Burtons acquaintance accompanied by a fishermans son.

"Did you come here to find us?" enquired Arnheim, leading to the tent to get the sleeping Mabel.  "Yes indeed.  You don't suppose I came out here moonshining at this time of the year, do you!"  We went down to the cove where lay the boat that was to bear us to the mainland.  The broad moonlight was on the water, touching the crest of every wave, and every object on the land could be seen almost a clearly as by day;  but we could see no one waiting on the shore, and Burton asked Jenkins if he had not come in search of us, learning of our absence from his father.  "I'll tell you, I'll tell you," said Sam, who allways took his own time to tell anything.

As we pushed off Arnheim remembered our canine companion who had so unaccountably disappeared, and gave a last whistle.  "What's that for" asked Sam.  "A dog that we found here caught in a trap."  "Ha ha I know where he is, he got accross ahead of you — I'll tell you.!