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Transcription: [00:05:01]
{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
But this doesn't necessarily come out, think of all the work that's been done at Teotihuacan, and only fairly recently did we get any idea of the special areas within Teotihuacan.
Now, and only toward the end of the big Teotihuacan project have they found that there's one area where Maya pottery, for instance, is quite abundant, and they located a Zapotec tomb with a Zapotec urn in it, and so on, a Zapotec style tomb; indicating apparently that
Well it appears as if there was an actual barrio of Monte Alban or Zapotec people in the, in the site of Teotihuacan.
I think that's, uh, this provides one of the most interesting aspects of these sites, it gives you some idea of what their-
{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Well yes, there's no question on it, I agree.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
-what their relationships are and I think it's relationships that makes, that makes cultures-

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Yeah, and absolutely, I understand that; I'm just thinking that if we go back to Teotihuacan, and we think of the, all the work that's been done on it, I think that a great deal of the work, say in the early twentieth century wasn't really useful, since it was
[[loud overhead airplane noise]]
{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
for clearing and reconstruction, a lot of time was spent on that; and it wasn't until 1959 when another kind of method or another approach to Teotihuacan was used in the Teotihuacan project.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yes, I think that is important- systematic survey of the large site; of course that is much more practical in the arid areas of the highlands than it is the lowlands, my area for instance.


{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
So you think then that, but I understand your point, which is that intensive work at major sites is something that has happened in the last ten years and in both Teotihuacan and Tikal, and that-

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yes, and I think it would be good to have that kind of, more of that kind of work continue

Transcription Notes:
mandc: completed once through and saved. Took several hours!