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Transcription: [00:24:53]

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
entire period. This probably has in part led me to my idea that has played an important role later on, that people probably traveled a great deal more than we at that time thought they did.

We didn't find a series of, a series of stepping stones between Sinaloa and the southwest, where you could say that "culture passed this way."

I think at this time I was slowly coming to, coming to me that probably people traveled through this area; that is, traders, visitors going back between the edge of Mesoamerican culture in Sinaloa and the Southwest. And this I think has pretty well been illustrated elsewhere in regards to Mesoamerica and the Southeastern United States also.

Another thing that led me to this feeling for the importance of what we might call long-distance diffusion even at this time was the fact that the Wasabe culture which was described in some detail from the Wasabe site was in part a, a pretty close reflection, or show of pretty close reflection, of things in Central and Southern Mexico.

I said in this other report that what we seem to have here is a result of an actual migration of people from Central Mexico into Northern Sinoloa to the very edges of Mesoamerica. This has not been entirely born out by the work, but - but a certain extent I think still stands.
There was a, probably an actual movement of people into this area from the far south.