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Transcription: [00:13:31]

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Diffusionists idea at all--

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Oh it wasn't, OK.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
--I don't think so anyhow from what I, from what I learned later on.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Well, we spent several years there on the west coast of Mexico in Sonora and Sinaloa and toward the southern part of the area in northern Sinaloa we came upon this site of Guasave and spent a good deal of our time there excavating a large burial ground. Which in a way took us more into the mesoamerican heartland because this was basically a mesoamerican culture that we were working with.

The same thing happened later on in the Huasteca. It uh, in the Huasteca I intended to work throughout the whole sort of gap between Tompico and - and eastern Texas but when I got there I realized we knew absolutely nothing about Huastec culture.

So purposefully and consciously decided that the thing to do was to stay there in the heart of the Huastec area and learn something about the sequences there before attempting to look into this great area of lesser culture to the north.

I think probably that my point of view at this time was, of these early field jobs, was that which was current at the time,