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Transcription: [00:37:08]

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
...take it out.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yeah I think my feeling is that Meso American, perhaps Andian cultures too, were basically concerned with religious attitudes, religious ideas, rather than technical things, although this may be more apparent than it is real actually. Perhaps the examples we're choosing are a little too difficult - like the wheel: I mean, that's a very special kind of thing. Because it would require a tremendous cultural change to take on the use of the wheel.

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Well I think that what you said from what you said before, it would require a tremendous cultural change on the part of one sort of cultural configuration, and a very slight cultural change on the part of another cultural configuration. And so I think that what you've, what you're saying is that you're inferring something, you're saying something when you say you think that Meso American culture was very much concerned with religion or ideology. I think that's an inference. Based on...

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yeah, that's something probably [unintelligible]. Based on these differences, or at least things that are not taken out.

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Right, right.


{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
I think that's an inference about...

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
Which you're not getting directly from the archaeological record.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
I think that's what you've done.


{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}

Yeah, yeah yeah.


{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
We've been talking about method. We've been talking about comparing traits, comparing complexes, complexes of traits. And we also talked about chronology. I think another thing that is part of the method of diffusionist investigation is the nature of the contact.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yes, well I mentioned before that...
