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Transcription: [00:21:37]
I'd forgotten what my question was now. Let me ask you about the injector. So, you mentioned before, of course, that you worked on the other injectors,

alternative engine to replace this system, which was kind of complicated to make. The difficult problem to make. So, umm,

and I've seen in these documents, a number of references. There are two main ones, there's one called a Ringspaltmischdüse which was something that some guy in Berlin, Beck I think--

Beck, ja. He was a professor, the leading professor in Berlin.

And the other one was a, was called a Bohrungsmischdüse and, and in the one report from Lindenberg, he mentions you and him as the main workers on this other concept. So can you describe those different injectors?

Well, the Spaltmischdüse is just a different kind of injection. You use a, you know what a Spalt is, I guess, ja?

A ring slot, a very thin ring slot that goes all the way around. And you save the work of drilling. But of course you need very, highly accurate manufacturing methods.

Your ring slot should have the same dimension, all the way around, and that's one of the problems. And of course it's also much more difficult to change it, if you find out you don't have the right ring slot,

you practically have to throw all your hardware away, and start from scratch again. If you just drill all your fuel and LOX injection holes, you can start with a relatively small hole. You find out it's not big enough

and you can increase it. You can make it a little bit bigger. So you have a little bit more flexibility, and also, for the Bohrungsdüsen, we tried in many cases to oppose the jets to each other,

either fuel against fuel, or also, and that's one thing that Lindenberg proposed quite a bit, to use one fuel in one LOX jet and to let them impinge

and atomize by impingement. So I think most of the people believed that the Bohrungsmischdüse

would be more flexible, would be simpler. Could be, uh, well, the other one probably has the advantage, it can be easier manufactured,

once you know how to do it. It's probably easier instead of the many, many little holes. You have to drill with very great accuracy. Because again, like with the cooling system

you don't have only holes going through this way, in order to inject your fuel. To supply your fuel you also have to drill holes this way.

And again you have to be darn sure that these holes don't meet each other. So you have really quite an accuracy problem.

Now, um --

Transcription Notes:
Ringspaltmischdüse Bohrungsmischdüse Bohrungsdüse LOX tank = Liquid Oxygen tank