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Transcription: [00:42:34]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
The reason was, Japan didn't have any coal and didn't have any iron ore.
The Manchuries had it and that was the reason that the Japanese went in to the Manchuries and--
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Manchuria. Yeah. And this was quite interesting, you know. You had here, a place, a mountain with iron ore. You did not have to go underground. You just took it from the mountain and the same thing was true for coal.
You had- you didn't have to go underground, you could take it out -- really the best coal, just --
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Right on the surface.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Right from the surface. And uh, you know the general planning was done by the Japanese. The detailed planning wasn't done by all Germans. And you had here the iron ore and here the coal. And you would say, ok so I built here some blast furnaces and I built here some blast furnaces. And the distance, you had to overcome by with trains.
And you could load on one way, the coal, and the way back, with ore. Let them do that. They built 12 blast furnaces on one side and went back with empty trains.
But, that was none of our business.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
This was in Manchuria?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
In Manchuria. The German engineers built only the blast furnaces and what all belonged to it. You know, we built byproduct plants of coke oven gas.
You know, coke oven gas has fertilizer, has toluene, has benzene -- has quite a few things and this is what we took out of the gas.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Uh hmm.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
So this is what I did in there.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So you were involved not, but you weren't in Manchuria. You were,-- or did you travel there?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Only one time. This was all handled by, from Tokyo and we had our engineers in Manchuria.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So you were involved primarily in planning or were you also involved in construction of chemical plants inside, in Japan province?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
In Japan too. Because they brought in coal from the outside, and they had, for example,--I take it as an example, it was like a, a big plan to create the gas for the city. And of course, there, you use the coke too--for different purposes, not only for industry, but for private purposes. And we built a plant in Osaka
and a few other cities, where we built plants.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Hmm mm. Also as much as I--I better stop this side because I've run out of tape.