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Transcription: [00:35:43]

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
There were a few things were different than before, okay.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
You could see when a new boss was coming he always has his own properties, and introduces a few changes, which, in my mind, did not make any big difference whatsoever.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
One of the funny things I see when I looked at some documents from the period is that Storch seemed to issue a blizzard of memos about, about little things, but, you know, whether it's vacations or other things it seems. [[laughter]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
But I don't now whether maybe those same kinds of things were produced before and I just didn't have the documents for it.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
I could say that that was of little influence to us.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mh-hmm [[affirmative]] yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Of very little influence to us.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You were working incredibly long hours.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
That's right. And this did not change when Storch came in. This was exactly the same as before.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You just sort of went on a daily basis you spent virtually all of the time there from morning 'til night, and you just slept usually on Peenemünde all week long.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Right, right.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So it didn't leave much time to do anything else through 1943, 44 I suppose.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
I hardly read any, at that time, I hardly read any newspaper.
67{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
You came out from your job, you had your lunch at the site too and your dinner, and Peenemünde had one advantage.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Since it was close to the water you had fish, and the fish were not on stamps, so you were better off when you were outside of Peenemünde, Germany. You had better food.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So you ate a lot of fish from the local fishermen and so forth.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Oh fish, yeah, right.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Would you say that living conditions deteriorated in 1944 regarding, or you were reasonably well maintained?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
We were reasonably well maintained, that's all I can say.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
But it, in terms of, did you feel isolated from the outside world to a great extent there?
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
I guess if you're involved a lot with thinking about industrial production in other parts of the Reich and how you were going to get things done you did have some sense of the impact of air raids and everything else.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Yeah, you, I always had the possibility if I want to find something out I could go in [[?]] and could, could check personally, uh how's that, how's that, how's that when we had shortcomings some year.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Yeah, this is really minor stuff but I'm just trying to get an atmosphere of what it was like, what it was like there and you know get a sense of atmosphere in terms of the living conditions.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
[[crosstalk]] Yeah, right, right.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
[[crosstalk]] No I could not, I could not complain, I could not complain about that.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Was the mass, this, this incessant testing of calibration of engines and so forth day in and day out was that, did that become very tedious? The same work over and over and over?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
No, not so, because your business was only in case something went the other way. Whatever went normal, you will not address it.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So you were not directly involved in the daily testing? You were in the office--

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
[[crosstalk]] I was not. In the daily testing I was not involved.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Only in case something went wrong, then I was in.