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Transcription: [00:22:07]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
he was approached by Speer, and Speer then finally must have convinced Hitler that von Braun should tell him the story of the V-2.
And Dornberger was the one who told von Braun, "When you come to Hitler, you keep your mouth shut about the possibility to go into space. Don't mention that. In the moment when you do that, he will throw you out, so don't mention that," and he did not.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmm-hmm. Where did you hear that story from? Because it's very-­

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
--by von Braun, too. He, he told us that once.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
In the United States.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
In the United states, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmm-hmm. But, I mean, it's very important for the historical record that uh you remember distinctly von Braun saying, during the war, at Peenemunde, that he wasn't happy that it was used for the military.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yeah, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Did that strike you at the time as a trifle risky, for him to say that? Or was it done --?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
It was very obvious to me that it was risky. And I was surprised that he mentioned that. But this was not a big crew. A couple or two or three people or so where he mentioned it.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So that, you mean, in terms of private -­

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yeah, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Private testimony.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Private testimony, yes.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Private, private discussion and conversations.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yeah, yeah

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You mean, it sort of social occasions or something like that? Or just inside the laboratories?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
I think that was inside a laboratory meeting when he came by.
Oh, I should tell you that story. It's not, again, not anything---

[[background noise]]

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
As far as the, as far as this uh anecdote, or the statements of von Braun, he said these only among a few friends?

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmm-hmm. About -