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Shortly after this, Ieyasu died. Sen-hime considered herself released from any further obligation toward Sakazaki and, since she had not yet taken vows, she prepared to marry Heihachiro. Her wedding procession passed the very gate of Sakazaki's house so that he was forced to witness the triumph of his rival.


[[2 column table]]
Characters.  |    Actors
Katsuragi(The spirit of
Kiyohime) |  Baiko
Anchin(priest) |   Sadanji
Umegae (maid)  |   Hashizo
[[/2 column table]]

This dance-drama, with Nagauta accompaniment, is yet another version of the ever popular "Musame Dojoji" (The Maiden at the Dojoji).  . The basic story remains the same. The beautiful Kiyo-hime fell in love with a young priest called Anchin and when he fled from her, so as not to violate his religious vows, she pursued him. When a river barred her way, her jealous fury turned her into a serpent so that she might swim across. Finally she reached the temple where Anchin had taken refuge. He had been hidden by the abbot beneath the great bell but the serpent coiled itself around the bell and breathed fire upon it until it was reduced to ashes. In this version, Kiyo-hime transforms herself by magic into a courtesan named Katsuragi and attempts in this disguise to win Anchin's love. He escapes from her and she, taking the shape of a serpent, pursues him. When she arrives at the temple where he is hiding beneath the bell, she climbs upon the bell and poses, triumphant.

commonly called GENYADANA  or KIRARE YOSA.
1 Act
[[2 column table]]
Characters   |      Actors
Kirare-yosa  |      Ebizo
Komori-yasu  |      Shoroku
Tohachi (clerk) |   Teruzo
Otomi        |      Baiko
Izumiya Tazaemon (master)  | Hikosaburo
[[/2 column table]]

Written in 1853 by Segawa Joko III. The whole play (nine acts) is hardly ever performed but the act called "Genyadana" is considered one of the greatest plays of the sewamono (common people) group.

Izuya Yosaburo, a young man of good family, went to Kisarasu to recover from an illness. There he fell in love with O Tomi, a ransomed geisha. The lovers were surprised by O Tomi's master who by way of revenge disfigured the handsome Yosaburo with knife-cuts all over his body and then had him flung into the sea. O Tomi, believing Yosaburo to be dead, tried to drown herself but was rescued by a wealthy Edo merchant, Tazaemon, who took her under his protection. Yosaburo was also saved but neither he nor O Tomi knew the other's fate. Because of the scandal Yosaburo was disinherited by his family and sank so low that he took to a life of thieving and blackmail. Three years after their first fatal meeting Yosaburo and O Tami met again and it is this meeting which forms the plot of "Genyadana."
