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SEPTEMBER 1955          7

company's laboratories as consulting engineer. In 1952 he renewed his association with RCA as a consultant, and has been working closely with that firm on the development of color television. His color television receiver, to be used with the RCA system of color broadcasting, can also receive black and white programs. Dr. Alexanderson has said, "The novelty of my inventions is in the method by which the color selection is accomplished" (New York Times, February 12, 1955).

The engineer has received the Gold Medal of the Institute of Radio Engineers (1919), Order of Polonia Restituta (1924), John Ericcson Medal (1928), Edison Medal from the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1944), Cedergren Medal from the Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden (1945), and Valdemar Poulsen Gold Medal and Royal Danish Medal (1946). He holds the honorary D.Sc. degree from Union College, Schenectady, New York (1926) and an honorary Ph.D. degree from the University of Upsala, Sweden (1938). He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and a member and past president of the Institute of Radio Engineers. He also holds memberships in the Royal Swedish Academy and Sigma Xi.

Dr. Alexanderson was married to Edith B. Lewin on February 20, 1909. She died in 1912. On March 30, 1914 he married Gertrude Robart of Boston, who died in 1948. His third marriage was to Thyra Oxehufwud in June 1949. He has four children: Amelie, Edith, Gertrude, and Verner Alexanderson.

He was elected the first commodore of the Lake George Yacht Club and introduced there a shallow-draft type of Swedish-built boat used by North Sea pilots. In his pocket he likes to carry many keys and a circular slide rule the size of a silver dollar (Popular Science, July 1942).

N Y Times VIII p12 O 25 '42; p13 Ja 25 '45; p22 F 12 '55
Pop Sci 141:89 J1 '42
American Men of Science (1955)
Benson, A. Will to Succeed (1948)
National Cyclopædia of American Biography Current Volume A (1926)
Who's Who in America 1945-55
World Biography (1954)


Nov. 7, 1906-  Clergyman; organization official

Address: b. 510 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa.; h. Rittenhouse, Claridge, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

The president of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America is the Reverend Doctor Eugene Carson Blake, who is known to television audiences since 1953 as the master of ceremonies of the Sunday afternoon half-hour TV religious program, Frontiers of Faith. The National Council elected Blake its president to succeed Bishop William C. Martin, on December 2, 1954 for a three-year term. The Council was established

[[image - black & white photograph of Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake]]
[[caption]] REV. DR. EUGENE CARSON BLAKE [[/caption]]

in 1950 as a cooperative body (comprised of thirty Protestant and Eastern Orthodox denominations, representing over 35,000,000 adherents) for the purpose of working together in such fields as evangelism, social research, missions, and charity. The group has approved plans for a new $14,000,000 national headquarters on Riverside Drive, New York City.

In its program for peace, Dr. Blake has stated, the National Council of Churches of Christ advocates support for the United Nations, international regulation and reduction of armaments, a workable atoms-for-peace plan, and economic and technical assistance to the worlds' underdeveloped areas (New York Times, January 6, 1955). Its brotherhood month message of 1955 emphasized that "racial prejudice in any and all forms is contrary to the will and the design of God" (New York Times, February 5, 1955).

Dr. Blake is also the stated clerk (chief administrative officer) of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A, an office he will hold until 1956. He has held pastorates in Pasadena, California; Albany, New York; and New York City.

Eugene Carson Blake was born in St. Louis, Missouri on November 7, 1906 to Lulu (Carson) and Orville P. Blake. His father held a position on the sales staff of the Inland Steel Company and was an elder in the Presbyterian church. with his brother, Howard, Eugene received Biblical instruction early in life. Eugene attended the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, where his intellectual interests were stimulated by one of his teachers, Thornton Wilder, who later became a Pulitzer Prize Winner.

On entering Princeton University, Blake was active in several undergraduate organizations, played guard on the varsity football teams in 1926 and 1927, winning his letter and the Poe Cup for good sportsmanship. After receiving